The Reina Sofía Hospital, Murcia

Hospital General Universitario Reina Sofía. MurciaAvda. Intendente Jorge Palacios, 1, 30003 MURCIA
Tel: 968 359000

User enquiries: 968 35 90 49 / 968 35 90 54 / 968 35 90 99 / 968 35 94 99

Click for map, Avda. Intendente Jorge Palacios, Murcia
330 beds

This hospital serves Health Area Nº 7 (Murcia East), which includes Beniel, Llano de Brujas, Murcia-Carmen, Murcia-Alquerías, Murcia-Beniaján, Murcia-Infante, Murcia-Monteagudo, Murcia-Puente Tocinos, Murcia-Vistabella and Santomera.

It is located on the north bank of the river in the centre of the city, and is best reached by following Ronda Sur to the Eroski supermarket, after which you cross the river and turn left before the Auditorio. Alternatively, take the exit from the A-30 at km 142 and go straight along the bank of the river, past the Town Hall and the Glorieta de España on the left until you reach the hospital just after the Hotel Siete Coronas.

Car parking is not easy here, and if there is no room in the hospital car park you may have to use one of the underground public car parks nearby. Another possibility is to leave the car at the Eroski supermarket which is a five-minute walk away.

Visiting hours are normally 15.30 to 19.00 on all wards: visitors are not allowed in the mornings because the doctors are on their rounds. Phone calls to patients are permitted between 14.00 and 22.00 during the week and from 9.00 to 22.00 at weekends and public holidays.

The hospital has a full Emergencies service.

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